welcome to my site! :)
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quinten laurènce sol (they/them) is a creative peculiarity currently habited in rotterdam, the netherlands...
they write, sing, produce, mix, code and design, and also likes to discover new music, read, or simply just drift away from the world from time to time.
their current occupation is a solo musical project called INDIGO CHAMBER, which could be described as dreamy, floaty pop music with sultry falsettos and languid guitarlines, originating from some place far away from our known universe.
currently a student of Music and Technology at HKU University of the Arts, they recently conquered their place in cyberspace because apparently, coding your own site is all the rage nowadays!
they are also in a band called HORIZONS where they make silky smooth sailin' yachtrock and easy-listening cocktail party AOR to escape from all your earthly troubles.
currently, they're very busy behind the scenes working on a big, big not so secret project...
(also, i'm just writing these things in third person. it just sounds so much better ;[ )
blogpost #1 - 28th december 2024
because all of the cool kids were doing it and because i picked up coding as a hobby for the first time since i studied CS,
i decided to give the whole blog thing a try, why the f not. seems like a fun novel way to share my creative process and keep people up to date.
so if you are either one of the aforementioned cool kids or you have the (dis)pleasure of knowing me, you might have heard that i am
working on the debut ep for my alias indigo chamber. it's been in the works for quite some time now... some of the songs have been written years ago, when i was
just a lil kid messin around with audacity and stock plugins in ableton, hoping something good would come out of my speakers.
i am really hoping everything will turn out right and i get to release the ep soon. here's a lil secret: it's already finished, but i just need to make some nice visuals.
right now is the perfect time cuz of the christmas holidays.
unfortunately because of some weird IT problems at bumastemra, i'm not able to upload the ep in time for the release date
i had in mind. so yeah, it's gonna take a whole lot of time and patience to get this thing out.
but hey, at least it's finished! and i'm really grateful that i got through the process of actually finishing something i make! which is a total nightmare when
you're dealing with chronic ADHD and burnout because of school stuff and blah blah blah. luckily i got a bunch of sweet souls around me to help me such as the friends i made at hku,
my sister and some other lovely people as well. sooner or later this thing is gonna be released.
for now i hope i'm going to be able to finish the visuals for the ep before the end of break, cause i know i'm gonna be busy with a lot of stuff!
ok now well let's see if i can manage to get off my ass and actually do something today! (kinda slacked off today lol)
see ya next time!!
wow! glad you are interested in what i do! or not, in case you accidentally clicked somewhere. in that case you could navigate back by clicking on one of the links on the sidebar. but, if you actually are interested in my music, take a look under this text!
anywhere for you | released 23rd january of 2024
a smoky hall where i reminisce about a love long gone
tears in a blanket | released 15th octobre of 2023
a downtempo ambient jewelcase exploration of loneliness and isolation
honeymoon song | released 2nd september of 2024
a place where time doesn't exist, in the blinding haze of a new love
because of a fortunate series of unexpected events, i happen to have made a bunch of lovely and talented friends along the way during my studies at HKU (and other places too!).
check some of these links out, will ya?
(also, don't worry if you're not on this list, i still love u)
dylan hokstam (cagedotlog.com)
| multimediawhizzkid & master of all trades. released (an album) not so long ago!
puk bruinsma (stupidplusplus.com)
| the mostest loveliest coding person you'll ever meet plus she runs the legendary netlabel (mlemrecords)
sytse vledder (achinghands.neocities.org)
| the all-knowing knower of music, also made a (haunting ambient album)
robin van ulft (ulftenaar.nl)
| westest sharp of the ear. just released a (new dutch single!!)
midas münstermann (youtube)
| builds cool electronic synths and does the trumpet
lucas veerkamp (youtube)
| maxmsp nerd with cool mustache which im jealous of, also does the sax
rune van der velde (rvn3.com)
| tunesmith & synth nerd. also just released (a rap music)
benjamin burger
| ਬਰਫ਼ 'ਤੇ ਰਿੱਛ
julia verweij (juliaverweij.cargo.site)
| html wizard and takes cool pictures
do you live around rotterdam and do you want your song recorded and mixed? that's possible in my little studio! i'm flexible but i mostly make dreampop/indiepop, but who knows what will happen! just shoot me a mail and a demo and let's make some beautiful things happen (:
email: sol (dot) quinten (at) gmail (dot) com
my instagram: @quinten.sol